
Over 25 years of experience

– Lab Experience

Lab Experience is the Country Partner of the International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI), for Portugal, Spain and the MEA Region.

The Institute was founded in the United Kingdom with the goal of setting global standards for Customer Experience Service Excellence in a diverse and constantly changing environment, through using “standards” as a means of providing the foundations for management systems to support the delivery of consistent and predictable customer experiences.

Lab Experience provides customer experience, citizen experience and employee experience consultancy to global clients.

For private sector organisations in a competitive world, a high standard of customer service and experience is often the key differentiator.

At the same time, public sector organisations also need to show that they are responsive, reliable and respectful to consumer needs.

The outcome of a customer’s experience heavily influences their loyalty to your brand. This is why it is essential for an organisation to understand:

What does the customer journey look like through every channel?
Which parts contribute negatively or positively to the experience?
How is the actual customer experience created?
What are the elements in the customer journey that are most important to the customer?
How can you positively improve the customer experience?

The ICXS2019 is a standard implemented worldwide, known as the reference model for customer experience excellence. 

IDCXS2022 reflects the increased international growth in scale, reach and scope of digital transformation and services delivered through Digital Channels.

The primary aim of the IDCXS2022 is to motivate organisations to focus their attention on the Digital Customer Experience through the delivery of service excellence techniques.

The new IDCXS2022 has taken into consideration the evolution of digital services offerings including online, mobile, mobile apps, cloud services, omni channels, AI, IOT and other digital delivery technologies.

It is designed to assist all organisations of all sizes in both the public and private sectors improve the delivery of their Digital channels customer experience and offers the opportunity of 3rd party Accreditation by The International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI).

This new certification contains, the proven core principles of Customer Experience and combines these with key Customer User Experience (UX) and digital experience considerations and measurables to create a flexible yet quantifiable standard for implementing all elements to facilitate delivery of Digital Service Excellence and a consistently positive customer and user experiences.

The value and necessity of the role of employees in resolving the service quality/customer experience equation has always been well understood. The Covid Pandemic brought this factor into even sharper relief as organisations were required to develop new operational processes and methods to meet the needs of both employees and customers.

A challenge that was met with a highly variable range of success. Part of the reason for some of the less successful approaches may well have been due to neither employer nor employees developing a working relationship based on mutually accepted Models designed to deliver a mutually beneficial outcome.

As the ratio of more digital to less human customer contact increases so the importance of every customer contact with a real employee producing a positive experience is further increased.

In recognising this rising imperative, The International Customer Experience Institute (ICXI) has developed this new Certification as the foundation and structure to assist organisations to dramatically improve Employee Happiness and Wellbeing.

Its aim is to provide organisations of all sizes in all sectors with the means and methodology to create the most positive and productive operational environment possible for the mutual benefit of the customer, the employee, and the organisation.